Luxembourgish for long term residents - Nationality
Luxembourgish for long-term residents (minimum 20 years in Luxembourg)
Module A1 Basic to acquire the nationality

Duration: 30 hours (you need to be present minimum 24 / 30 hours)
Objective of the course: get familiar with the basics of the Luxembourgish language for people who have been living for minimum 20 years in Luxembourg to acquire the nationality.
Trainer: Daniela Clara Moraru, author of the 365 days to learn Luxembourgish, 100 expressions to master in Luxembourgish, Meng éischt 100 Wierder, Wie sinn ech?, Déi bescht Letzebuerger Spréch, Sticky notes to learn Luxembourgish, Eis fantastesch Rees op der Äerd. Ee Buch iwwert Frendlechkeet, Frendschaft a Respekt
Type of course: hybrid
As per the law, you are entitled to 750eur reimbursement from the government, upon presentation of your invoice from our school. For more details, please check: JOURNAL OFFICIEL DU GRAND-DUCHÉ DE LUXEMBOURG - MÉMORIAL A, N° 547 du 14 août 2019
Course material: Learn Luxembourgish - Beginner Pack (you will receive it to the address indicated in your order) or we will provide electronic versions
Training dates: you will have the possibility to join a maximum of 10 and minimum of 8 intensive and interactive sessions of 3 hours proposed during the period September-December 2022, the list will be emailed to you on a monthly basis.
September dates:
Saturday, 24th September at 1 pm
Wednesday, 28th September at 6.30 pm (training will take place over dinner at Come a la maison, we will be joined by former minister and president of the Parliament, Erna Hennicot Schoepges).
Book your course - pay online via Letzshop