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STAGES PRE-RENTREE - Revision camps
Last available places 30th AUGUST - 3rd SEPTEMBER 1) part-time camp (9-12.00) in German for the age group 6-8 (absolute beginners)....
Summer camp for teenagers: 5-9 July 2021
English camp 05-09 July 2021 Age group: 16-18 Level: upper intermediate Programme: total immersion (from 9 am to 5 pm)
Open Days
OPEN DAYS - summer camps at As COVID restrictions have been loosened, we are able to open to guided visits again. We‘ve...
Registration now open!
To register your child for the summer language camps, please fill in and send us your registration form and the proof of payment of the...
Réussir sa rentrée au lycée - stages pré-rentrée
Réussir sa rentrée au lycée ! Cette année, vous propose à partir du 31 août 2020: Des stages de pré-rentrée pour démarrer...
Learn French whilst cooking at in Luxembourg-city
During the Pentecost school#holidays, the teens enrolled in the French full day camp have chosen to cook gazpacho. Each one selected a...
Journée Portes Ouvertes
Ouvrez vos agendas! Notre école vous ouvre ses portes mardi prochain, le 12 juin, de 14h à 18h au 6, rue Marguerite de Brabant à Merl.
Nouveau look pour notre nouvelle brochure
Notre nouvelle brochure 2018 est parue! Retrouvez dedans toutes les infos concernant nos stages linguistiques en allemand, anglais et frança
Our new brochure 2018 is out!
We are happy to show you the new look of our Holiday Language Camps brochure! Learn more about our language camps in French, English and Ger
Stages de langues pendant les vacances scolaires
Le printemps est enfin là , le soleil brille, il est temps de penser aux vacances d'été qui approchent! Voici les dates de nos prochains
Language camps during school holidays
Spring is finally here, the sun is shining, it's time to think about the summer holidays! Check out our next camps.
Stages de langues pendant les vacances scolaires
Il est encore temps d'inscrire vos enfants, leurs cousin(e)s et ami(e)s pour les stages de langues pendant les vacances scolaires 2018.
Language camps during Easter holidays : Language Camps during all school holidays in English, French and German, from 6 to 18 years old.
Language camps during school holidays
stages linguistiques pour enfants
language camps for children in French, German and English
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