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Materials to learn Luxembourgish

Learn Luxembourgish with our learning materials and have fun in the process!

Can be used at work, at home or in your Luxembourgish course as an additional teaching support.

All learning materials come with audio files in Luxembourgish to help you improve your oral comprehension and pronunciation. Innovative methods to learn and practice Luxembourgish.


Have a look at our E-shop and discover all our learning materials and special promotions!


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"Luxembourgish for Beginners" Pack

PROMO: 49,99 eur instead of 55,52 eur

(until 31/12/2023)


1) "365 days to learn Luxembo
urgish" calendar (with explanations in EN &FR) - 17,55 eur
2) "100 expressions you need to master in Luxembourgish" flash cards (with translation in EN, FR, DE and RO) - 13,50 eur
3) "Wie sinn ech? Who am I? game (in LU and EN) - 13,50 eur
4) Post-it notes - Fem and Masc nouns - 3,99 eur
5) Post-it notes - Neutral nouns & verbs - 3,99 eur
6) Audio eBook "365 days to learn Luxembourgish" - 9,99 eur 

7) Notebook - 3,50 eur
Order it now here!

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"Luxembourgish for Children" Pack

35 eur 


 "Luxembourgish for Children" Pack includes:
1) "My first 100 words" in Luxembourgish, French and English, with the corresponding 100 audio files,

2) the book "Our Magic Journey on Earth. A Book of Kindness, Friendship and Respect" with the digital version in Luxembourgish and the audio in Luxembourgish.

3) Beautiful red notebook I love


Order it now here!

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Wie sinn ech? Who am I? Qui suis-je? 

Inspiring Wo-Men


This educational game is the perfect tool to celebrate women’s contribution to our country and the world’s advancement.

It introduces 25 profiles of inspiring women from Luxembourg and 30 from the rest of the world.


Discover who the first Luxembourgish woman to obtain a doctorate was, our first female member of the Parliament, the first woman president of the Parliament, the first Luxembourgish composer, the sportswoman known as "the Grand Duchess of cycling", the country's first female entrepreneur …

You'll have to guess who each description corresponds to and you'll practice Luxembourgish, French or English.


Game available in two versions: LU-FR and LU-EN / An exclusivity of, published in March 2022.


13,50 eur Order it now here! 


Wie sinn ech? Who am I? (LU-EN)


Wie sinn ech? Qui suis-je? (LU-FR)


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365 jours pour apprendre le Luxembourgeois - Calendrier perpétuel


365 days to learn Luxembourgish - Perpetual desk calendar


This is an innovative learning tool: a no-date calendar with 365 pages for you to turn one by one, at work or home, and learn step by step, a little bit every day. A great end of the year gift and a motivation to start learning Luxembourgish!

The learning process can be started all year long, but also on the 1st of January (if this is one of your New Year’s resolutions). Explanations are provided in French and English, and audio files offer pronounciation support all year long.



9,99 eur instead of 17,55 eur

(until 31/12/2023)

Order it now here!


To work on your oral comprehension and prononciation, you can download the audio files for each flash card from the link below.

Download the audio files


Audio eBook "365 days to learn Luxembourgish"

9,99 eur 


100 expressions you need to master in Luxembourgish

13,50 eur

«100 expressions you need to master in Luxembourgish» is an innovative learning package of flash cards. On one side you will discover daily expressions, words and sentences one needs to learn first in Luxembourgish. On the other side of the cards you will find the translation in English, French, German and Romanian, so it can help you get started in any of these other languages as well. This is a synthesis of the language school's 15 years of practice in the field of teaching languages in Luxembourg and an expression of our continuous efforts to create the most interesting and useful programs for our clients and partners. This innovative learning tool aims to stimulate people's interest for languages in general and the Luxembourgish language in particular.

Order it now here!


To work on your oral comprehension and prononciation, you can download the audio files for each flash card from the link below.

Donwload audio files


13,50 eur 

"Wie sinn ech? Who am I?" is an innovative learning material with 55 cards with one side in Luxembourgish and the other side the translation in English. This game allows you to practice Luxembourgish (and English) in a playful way and, in the same time, discover and learn more about the culture and history of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Each of the 55 cards brings you a description of an important figure from the past or present of the country, either real or fictional, including the Grand Duc Henri, Ermesinde, John the Blind, Pierre Werner, Melusina, Andy Schleck, Lea Linster, Joseph Barthel, Jean-Claude Junker, Xavier Bettel, and also a few of other famous people including Coco Chanel, Leonardo da Vinci or Steve Jobs. The principle is simple: you read the description and try to guess who it refers to. The game can be played at family dinner parties either individually or in teams.

This is a synthesis of the language school's 15 years of practice in the field of teaching languages in Luxembourg and an expression of our continuous efforts to create the most interesting and useful programs for our clients and partners.

This innovative learning tool aims to stimulate people's interest for languages in general and the Luxembourgish language in particular.

Order it now here!


To work on your oral comprehension and prononciation, you can download the audio files for each flash card from the link below.

Download the audio files

Déi bescht Lëtzebuerger Spréch 1

13,50 eur


Il s’agit d’un outil d’apprentissage ludique et innovant pour s’approprier facilement 55 idiomes luxembourgeois. Comme il est souvent difficile de traduire ou comprendre la signification d’un idiome au sens littéral, chaque carte est illustrée d’un dessin amusant et éclairant. Par ailleurs, au dos de chaque carte se trouvent des explications du contexte dans lequel on peut utiliser l’idiome.


Order it now here!


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Meng éischt 100 Wierder | Mes premiers 100 mots | My first 100  words - 22,48 eur


The "Meng éischt 100 Wierder - My first 100 words - Mes premiers 100 mots" flash cards were conceived for children to play with and learn their first words in Luxembourgish, French and/or English.


The packaging has the shape of a small suitcase that the young ones can place on their shoulders; it has even some space for some other small toys or coloring pens.


The 100 cards have images on one side and the corresponding words in Luxembourgish, French and English on the other side. Children can play with the cards either alone, with other children or with one of the parents.

For children 3+.


Order it now here!


Donwload the audio files

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Eis fantastesch Rees op der Äerd.

Ee Buch iwwert Frendlechkeet, Frendschaft a Respekt



Our Magic Journey on Earth. 

A book of Kindness, Friendship and Respect

12,95 eur


The book of short stories “Our Magic Journey on Earth. A Book of Kindness, Friendship and Respect” is a reminder for children (and adults alike) that we are just a tiny part of our planet and should therefore treat it with utmost respect and care.

You will enjoy reading stories happening in the City of Luxembourg and the park of Merl.

Order it now here in Luxembourgish 

Order it now in English


The QR code for the audio in English and Luxembourgish is included in the book, below the title of each story.

+352 621775122


#childrenbook #luxembourg 


#shortstories #kindness #friendship #respect

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