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European and National Recognition for
Daniela Clara Moraru receives the 2024 EITA award for Luxembourg in Brussels The year 2024 brought us incredible recognition when we were...

21st Anniversary Celebration under the Sign of Erasmus+
!  Info Session Erasmus+ Project On June 4, 2004, was officially registered as a brand. While we initially...

Fall in Love with Your Skills - info session - 14/02/2025
Info session "YouthPower" Erasmus+ project 💖 Fall in Love with Your Skills! 💖 Join Us for an Empowering Info Session on the "Youth...

Call for Participants: Empowering Youth Through Soft and Entrepreneurial Skills
Are you the president/representative of a non-profit association based in Luxembourg that serves a migrant community? Are you interested...

Celebrating 20 Years of Empowering 20 Young People to Embrace Failure!
Dear Friend of ,  We’re excited to invite you to a unique and empowering gathering as we continue the celebration of the...

Supporting Independent Workers' Union
Since works with a lot of self-employed, we are welcoming this special Q&A session with the Minister of Social Security,...

Erasmus Plus project: Empowering Youth through Soft and Entrepreneurial Skills
Join us in our #ErasmusPlus  project aimed at enhancing the employability of 20 young migrant women! Our Goals: * Improve soft and...

Stand at Lëtzebuerger Dag in Dudelange
Lëtzebuerger Dag - mir sinn do! De 27. Juli fënnt déi 1. Editioun vum Lëtzebuerger Dag statt. Um Programm sti flott Animatiounen a...

Wellbeing at school - train the trainers course
Professional development course for teachers on "Wellbeing at school"

Celebrate Luxembourg's National Day Competition
Dear language enthusiasts and video creators, As we celebrate Luxembourg's National Day and the 20th anniversary of, the...

Celebrate's 20th Anniversary with Us!
Celebrate's 20th Anniversary with Us!
Learn French & Win Exciting Prizes! Join Let's demystify Europe community!

Let's demystify Europe & politics with Claude Wiseler, President of Luxembourg Parliament
Visit of the Parliament / Chambre des Députés >> a unique opportunity to visit the heart of Luxembourg’s democracy, in company of Claude...

Let's demystify Europe with Marc Angel, Vice-President of the European Parliament
Understanding the Aims and Values of the EU: Interactive Q&A session with Marc Angel, Vice-President of the European Parliament for the...

Les femmes de l'Europe à Luxembourg / The women of Europe in Luxembourg
/FR //EN En marge de la journée internationale de la femme,, le Centre Europe Direct de Rome (Italy), Europa Excelsior asbl...

Le multilinguisme en politique au Luxembourg et en Europe
Chers amis, Tout d'abord, bonne et heureuse année à vous et vos proches! Puis, nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que cette année...
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