We are proud to have coordinated our first Erasmus+ Project: small scale partnership in school education.
The project "Wellbeing at school"
(KA210-SCH-3F3437C0) aimed at addressing the digital transformation of schools through the development of digital capacity to integrate new technologies and innovative teaching methods which would improve wellbeing at school:
- support the sharing/transfer of best practices in teaching & school development, - promote the use of new technologies and innovative teaching methods,
- increase professional development of teachers & quality of teaching and learning, - increase wellbeing at school.
You can donwload below the
Guide of Best practices
Wellbeing at School
Wellbeing at school - small scale partnership in school education
A wonderful activity highly appreciated by pupils to express their creativity of joy of being a student of our College CNSH Tecuci!!!
Participants from 2 activity clubs, literature and painting, gathered together and conducted together the activity "I love my School" under the leadership of two teachers: Lăcrămioara Èšupu and Monica Tîrziman.
Wellbeing at school Erasmus Plus project - "I love my School" activity
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Wellbeing at school Erasmus Plus project - "I love my School" activity
Literary histories - literature club activities
Activities of the cooking club
Activities of the cooking club
Painting club
Theatre club
Activity title: Reactions and facial expressivity
Coordinating teachers: Monica Tirziman and Lacramioara Tupu
In our current communication, the facial factor surprises and communicates a wide range of emotions. Mimics, gestures and body postures express innner states, even if some of them cannot be verbalised.