Learning resources to
teach yourself Luxembourgish
Learning Luxembourgish can be fun with the different resources created by our founder,
Daniela-Lacramioara (Clara) Moraru, based on her expertise as a linguist and her personal learning experience.
1. 365 Days Luxembourgish - the mobile App to learn Luxembourgish was launched at the Luxembourg Internet Days on the 14th of November 2017 at the Chamber of Commerce.
From beginner to winner with Luxembourgish language App offering 365 brief lessons in Luxembourgish for beginners (level A1).
2. Many of you asked us about materials for children to learn Luxembourgish by playing. Since there were none except books, our founder conceived for your children aged 3+ this first one called: “Meng éischt 100 Wierder - Mes premiers 100 mots - My first 100 words“. Have a look at the video below to see what it is about. If interested, you can acquire it from Languages.lu, Ernster, Auchan, K Kiosk, Press+Books and Luxembourg House for the price of 22,48 eur.
For this game, we can send you the 100 audio files by wetransfer.com because the web site does not support (yet) mp3 files. Contact us by e-mail at info@languages.lu.
3. “Déi bescht Lëtzebuerger Spréch” – flash cards to learn the best Luxembourgish idioms – 10 eur/unit
4. “365 days to learn Luxembourgish” / “365 jours pour apprendre le luxembourgeois” – non specific date desk top calendar – 18 eur/unit
This is an innovative learning tool: a desk calendar with 365 pages for you to turn one by one, at work or home, and learn step by step, a little bit every day. A great end of the year gift and a motivation to start learning Luxembourgish! The learning process can be started all year long, but also on the 1st of January (if this is one of your New Year’s resolutions). Explanations are provided in French and English, and audio files offer pronounciation support all year long.
The 365 audio files can be obtained free of charge by sending us an e-mail to info@languages.lu.
“There are not a lot of fun learning tools out there. If I had had this when I started to learn Luxembourgish I think I would’ve learned much more quickly,” Ms Moraru said.
The calendar is designed to start with basic Luxembourgish words and sentences, explained in French and English, which help the learner build knowledge with each page.
5. “Wie sinn ech? Who am I?” – game in Luxembourgish and English – 10 eur/unit
The audio files for each card are available free of charge here. Enjoy!
The Wie sinn ech? Who am I? game can be found at Auchan, Luxembourg House, the Ernster, K Kiosk and P&R book stores, as well at the language school Languages.lu (6, rue Marguerite de Brabant in Luxembourg – Merl).
6. “100 expressions you need to master in Luxembourgish” – flash cards in Luxembourgish, English, French, German and Romanian – 10 eur/unit
Should you wish to order any of our products by e-mail (info@languages.lu) and receive it by post, kindly note that you will need to settle also the shipping fee, which depends on the number of units you wish to order.
For more details or orders, contact Ines Chretien either by phone (+352 26 47 85 03) or by e-mail (info@languages.lu).
Video on RTL featuring the 365 Days Luxembourgish App
Article published in the Luxemburger Wort EN